Saturday, 8 August 2015

Investing In One's Life

          Life is such a wonderful journey. And everything that we do everyday connects with each other thus it is much better to realise how much we need to be in control of our own life. Controlling it doesn't mean somehow to dictate all of its activities but it is rather obeying then and participating in all its owner's plans for us.

photo credit: Ice Climbers on Frozen Waterfall - Johnston Canyon via photopin (license)

          Life is such a personal make every kind of investment. You invest in your time and effort in trying to cultivate your relationship with others. Not only then that you make your own financial planning but somehow, it is more of giving a constant positive directions to your life. 

          Go out then and make progress to your life....make each day an avenue to grow in all aspects of your life. Moreover, be an instrument for others to grow positively so that the radiance of goodness will continue to flow from one person to the other.