Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
- Henry Ford
Years ago, I had the chance to coach a basketball team composed of students between 15 yrs. old to 18 yrs. old. Recalling back that experience, I could say that several factors such as individual discipline, commitment to the team, set of self direction, perseverance, teamwork etc. contribute to the success of a team. Among them, I would single out teamwork as focus of my sharing at this time.
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Going back to my team, those boys were young, talented and had much vigor in them. There were 15 of them who comprised the school's varsity team. After weeks of try out, sweating it out with all hopeful, they came out as the lucky ones and emerged victorious. All throughout the year, we had our regular practice sessions and we were able to participate in certain competitions. Consequently, there were tears on moments of defeat and screams of joy when we won games especially against much favored teams.
Basically what came out as an outstanding quality among these kids was their ability to promote and maintain teamwork among themselves. Basketball is one of those games that needs teamwork among all players. Among anything else, there should be cohesiveness within the team. Each player must condition his heart that he plays an essential role in the team and the moment that he forgets about it, it's the whole team that suffers.
As Henry Ford says above, "working together means success." At times, any player will experience a tug of war between one's self centered desire to get everybody else's adoration and accolade against the team's goal of winning. On the other hand, when teamwork is present, each member prioritizes the team's goals and ideals. With teamwork, other areas such as defense, team morale, collective effort and morale are positively affected. Any team's integral parts are made up of members who are working together as one.
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As mentioned by one the game's most influential and popular player, Michael Jordan, " Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." With his statement, he knew exactly that he is considered as such an exceptional talent however, it is also very evident that he recognizes the contributions done by his teammates. He was never been selfish in his games. Being a winner then exemplifies certain characteristics with teamwork emerges as one of the most crucial one.